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Recent News &
Thank you, from our entire community, to Neil Krumenauer for his service to us in maintenance over the past 13 years. We accompany you in prayer and wish you well in your retirement.
With great joy I announce that Pope Francis has given his final approval to a miracle attributed to the founder of the Salvatorians, Francis Jordan. That means he will be beatified. We are waiting for the decision on time and place. I thank all of you who have been praying with us for his beatification. He will be the second Salvatorian recognized in this way by the Church. Blessed Mary of the Apostles, who together with Jordan founded the Salvatorian Sisters, was beatified in 1968. We have received a letter expressing joy and thanks for the generosity of those who contributed to our amazing Living Waters Campaign this year. Living Waters will be sending updates and pictures, as the wells are completed. PACT (Pius Parishioners Always Come Through)! Our Gospel today contains one of my favorite passages, one I use often for funerals: Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. There are three steps in this quote that I keep reminding myself of, as I struggle through life. The first is “come to me.” Nothing will happen if we don’t go to the Lord and allow Him to be a part of our lives. That is why I keep stressing the importance of quiet time with the Lord, time when we are not simply saying words but sharing our concerns with Him AND LISTENING, as we do with a good friend. Then comes “take my yoke upon you.” That doesn’t sound good. We generally think of a yoke as a burden. Two oxen yoked together properly can do much more than either one of them ever could do alone. By analogy, when we are yoked with Jesus, “we will find rest” for ourselves…because the “burden is light.” Jesus will have a large part of the load! And what is the yoke? Jesus gives us a clear answer: “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart.” When we are meek and humble, we don’t have to be first, we don’t need to be in competition, we can think of others and be compassionate and sharing, we don’t hold onto hurts, we forgive, etc. etc. We live the beatitudes. We flow in harmony with others. And then the result comes: we will find rest for our souls. We discover that the yoke IS easy and the burden light, because we are not struggling and competing and angry and revengeful any more, we are living in harmony with others. I invite us this week to reflect on the passage “Come to me…” that I quoted above? Do I go to the Lord and listen? Do I allow Him to yoke with me? Am I growing in my ability to live meekly and humbly? How can I improve? Let us support each other in prayer as we struggle to come to the Lord, take up His yoke, and learn to be meek and humble of heart. Comments are closed.