A beautiful part of our Catholic tradition is the practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones. The following polices are being implemented in order to accommodate each request in a fair manner.
Intentions may be requested for a deceased loved one, someone who is sick or suffering, in celebration of a birthday, anniversary or other special moment, or a prayer request. Please let us know if the intention is for a living or deceased person.
Mass intentions can be requested for one or more people living or deceased, but the request may be shortened to fit the space in the bulletin.
The suggested stipend fee per the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is $20. Please know that any donation amount will be accepted!
Requests will taken on a first come, first served basis. If the date requested is not available, the closest available date will be used. Please indicate if you would like to be notified should we have to use an alternate date.
Each weekend must have one Mass scheduled for the intentions of our parishioners, as required by Canon Law.
The Mass intention request form is available to download here and paper copies are in the back of church. Please return the form to the parish office or place it in the collection basket with the stipend.
If you wish your intention to appear in the bulletin and/or be read during Mass, please allow two weeks between the day you schedule the intention and the day of the Mass.