There are many opportunities to become involved with Christian Formation.
If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact the parish office at 414-453-3875 x13 or [email protected] unless otherwise noted.
Formation & Evangelization Commission
The Formation and Evangelization Commission offers guidance and support to efforts that energize and grow our membership, that create a welcoming environment, and that provide strong formation for all ages. The Commission collaborates with parish staff and helps envision, develop and promote opportunities that foster spiritual growth and make disciples of all people.
If you would like to get involved, contact Rob Hoffmann, our Director of Adult Formation at (414) 453-3875 ext. 18 or [email protected].
Baptism Preparation
This ministry assists in preparing parents for the baptism of their child. Baptism preparation classes are held once a quarter.
Child Ministry
This ministry reaches out to the children of our parish community to make disciples through the Sacramental life of the Church. This happens through regular formation opportunities, family events, and the implementation of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - a Montessori-base religious formation that provides the environment, time, and space for the child to encounter God.
Ways to help:
Catechist and/or Assistant Team
Our sessions are run by trained catechists but we do not require training or experience to become an assistant; we will teach you all that you need to know.
Volunteering as an assistant is a beautiful way to see CGS in action and to deepen your own relationship with God.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week
Materials Team
Are you creative? Do you enjoy working with your hands? Woodworking? Painting? We are always wanting people to join our materials team who will make sure our materials are in top shape and functional. Many materials simply need touching up due to frequent usage by the children.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/month
Sacramental Prep Team
Join this team to help support the children and their families as they prepare to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Time Commitment: 1.5 hours (3x per year) for reflection sessions in the spring or 3 days in May for the sacrament retreat
Contact Andrea Koczela if you are interested at 414-258-2604 ext. 33 or [email protected].
OCIA Preparation
This ministry assists adults interested in learning more about their faith or pursuing the rites of Christian Initiation.
The program is held once a week from October through Easter.
If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Rob Hoffmann, Director of Adult Formation, at 414-453-3875 x18 or [email protected].
Summer Outreach Mission Trip
This a summer mission trip for high school students.
Mission Trip Chaperones are needed.
Must be at least 25 years old and have a good driving record
Able to go on week-long trip, generally the 3rd week in June
Attend miscellaneous meeting nights once a month during school year
Contact Irene Tomasovic at 414-258-2604 or [email protected]if you are interested.
Youth Ministry (6th - 12th Grade)
Small Group Leaders are needed. We are looking for faithful Catholic adults to mentor and disciple our young people. These leaders will mentor a group of 6 - 8 teens, facilitating discussion about faith, life, prayer, and Jesus Christ.
Qualifications include:
Faithful Catholic who regularly attends Mass and has a personal prayer life
Ability to talk about your faith, and desire to share the Gospel with others
Humble and willing to learn
Content and discussion starters are provided, and no theological training is needed; just someone who loves the Lord and is willing to love our teens!
The time commitment depends on the program.
Contact Irene Tomasovic at 414-258-2604 or [email protected]if you are interested.