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‘Venerable’ Fr. Francis Jordan soon to be called ‘Blessed’![]() June 23, 2020 Milwaukee, Wis. – The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has officially authorized the promulgation of the decree regarding the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Salvatorian Founder, Venerable Fr. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan. This completes the process on the miracle and definitively opens the way towards beatification of our Founder, who will soon be called “Blessed Francis Jordan.” Fr. Jordan’s beatification process began in 1943. After the death of a holy man or woman, their history is written and their works are collected and sent to a special Vatican congregation for review. If everything looks good, the person is given the title, “Servant of God.” The Vatican then confirms that people will remember and venerate the person to make sure the reputation of holiness does not fade, or is limited only to a small group of followers. This is an important consideration when it comes to officially declaring someone a saint of the universal church. Heroicity of virtue is acknowledged at this stage in the process, and the person receives the title “Venerable.” In 2011 Pope Benedict XVI officially announced that Fr. Jordan “lived a holy life,” by acknowledging the “heroicity of his virtues” and declaring him Venerable Francis Jordan. In the next step, testimony of a miracle is needed and has to be confirmed so that the Servant of God can be declared “Blessed” through the beatification process. “Fr. Jordan valued universality, inclusiveness and collaboration as essential to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world. This is just as true in our times as it was in the late 19th century,” said Fr. Jeff Wocken SDS, USA provincial of the Society of the Divine Savior. “His beatification will reaffirm for the universal Church that the pursuit of holiness and salvation is only possible when we overcome our differences and place our trust in the unconditional mercy and providence of God.” The Miracle A young couple, who were expecting a baby in 2014 in Jundiai, Brazil, was informed by several medical doctors and specialists that their unborn child was suffering an incurable bone disease (skeletal dysplasia). Being members of a group of Lay Salvatorians, the parents began to pray through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Francis Jordan, inviting other members of the Salvatorian Family to join them. The child was born completely healthy on September 8, 2014, the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Mother and the anniversary of Fr. Francis Jordan’s death. After the required canonical procedures had been successfully completed, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, declared that this miraculous healing was worked by God through the intercession of Fr. Francis Jordan. Salvatorians Salvatorian priests and brothers are members of the Society of the Divine Savior, a Catholic religious community founded in 1881 by Fr. Francis Jordan. The U.S.A. Province headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis. is led by Fr. Jeffrey Wocken SDS, U.S.A. provincial superior. The Society is one of three branches of a religious Family composed of the Priests and Brothers (Society), Sisters (Congregation) and the Lay Branch (International Community of the Divine Savior). Inspired by their founders, the Salvatorian Family is committed to apostolic work, that all may know the Savior, by whatever ways and means and gifts they have. They work collaboratively to fulfill their Founders dream and are deeply rooted in Jesus, our Savior, as they share His mission of worldwide evangelization with simplicity and trust in God. They collaborate to promote justice and improve quality of life in our world with a preferential option for the poor. Media contact: Sue Kadrich Dir. of Communications & Mission Advancement Society of the Divine Savior 414-258-1735 [email protected] Comments are closed.