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Grab a beer. Meet your neighbor. Hear a message. Young adults (20s & 30s) of any faith (and no faith) are invited to a pub in your neighborhood for community and conversation. FREE—this round is on us! Learn how you can make a difference in our community, our nation, and our world - and bring a friend! Join us Mondays starting at 7 PM at Natty Oaks Pub in West Allis or Tuesdays starting July 12 at 7 PM at O’Donoghue’s in Elm Grove Visit for more information and to see the full list of all Theology on Tap sites! Follow us on Instagram @brewcitycatholic. July 11 or 12: Love Local: Help Your Neighbor in Crisis
Job loss. Health emergency. Unexpected disability. Poverty. Many of your neighbors (as in, people who live in your actual neighborhood…) face crises like these every year. Your local Catholic Charities outreach specialist helps you be aware and get equipped to help your neighbors access the resources they need. July 18 or 19: Love Global: Change the World Right Now Nearly ½ the world’s population survives on less than $2 a day. Nearly 1 billion are illiterate and 1 billion do not have access to safe water. Learn how Catholic Relief Services makes an actual difference in the lives of the poor and vulnerable overseas, and how you can too. July 25 or 26: Love the Stranger: Protect the Dignity of Immigrants Families divided. Migrant workers exploited and abused. Human beings dying unnecessarily in American deserts. A representative from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Office of the Dignity of the Human Person explains the human consequences of a broken immigration system and how you can advocate for actual solutions. August 1 or 2: Live Mercy: Make it Real In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has invited the world to reflect on mercy, compassion, and the power of forgiveness. Come hear how one local young adult’s encounter with God’s mercy and a need in our community inspired real action that’s making a real difference, and be inspired to do the same. Comments are closed.