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On the 4th Monday of the month many of the parishioners at St. Pius X participate in contributing to the south side meal program. At this point in time we are looking for a volunteer who is able to commit to picking up 2 cases of bananas, 40 lbs. each from a local grocery store, on the Sunday before the 4th Monday of the month and delivering the bananas to the church between the hours of 7:45 am to 11:15 am.
The bananas typically cost about $40 and you are reimbursed immediately once a receipt is received. This is a one time per month commitment and there are 2 different parishioners who are willing to be back ups if you are on vacation, etc. Please contact Chris Cayo at 414-313-2426 or [email protected] if you are interested in helping!! (December is cookie month!) More details to follow. Comments are closed.