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Saturday, May 21 at 8AM - 3PM
St. Pius Parish Gym Do you have treasures in your basement or garage you would like to sell? Here is an opportunity you won't want to miss. For $30 you can rent space (approximately 3 long banquet tables plus the surrounding floor space) in the St. Pius X gym to display your goods. You do your own set up and take down. You set your prices and sell your own goods. You keep all the money you make! You can set up on Friday night from 5-7 PM or Sat. at 7 AM. We do extensive advertising in order to attract many buyers. To reserve a rummage booth, drop off $30 (checks made out to St. Pius X) to the parish office, Attn: Karen Manning. Contact Karen at 414-475-6298 with questions. We need volunteers! Do you have time to help set up, price items, and man a table to support St. Pius X parish during the sale and clean up? If so, please contact Karen or call 414-475-6298. Comments are closed.