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Religious Education classes are offered at St. Pius X Parish Community Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Learn more about our classes. We had our last Faith Formation Classes for the 2015-16 sessions. Starting with Prayer time together, forming that Circle of Love, knowing how much God loves us and it is our mission to share the love of Christ with others. A very special "thank you" to our Religious Education teachers:
Sunday AM; Lisa Newcomer, Elizabeth Alberg, Mary Koss, Joellen Bradach, Maureen Millmann, Kerrie Quirk, Katie Phillips, Jen Seaver, Larry Weingarten, Shannon Seymer–Tabaska, Sarah Klippel, Colleen Maier, Kate Knowlton, Matt MacKelly and Steve True. Wednesday PM; Debbie Weyer, Barb Abler, Lisa Roter, Amy Randall, Nick and Joanna Clementi. Sacrament of First Eucharist Welcome to the table, 31 First Communicants who received the Holy Eucharist for the first time at St. Bernard on April 24th. You are so blessed to now receive Jesus each week at Mass! Recognize that gift, be sure to make it a priority to attend Mass regularly, and participate fully! God loves welcoming each of you every week to his house! St. Pius X – May 1 – 10:15 AM Mass We look forward to 26 First Communicants receiving the Holy Eucharist for the first time this weekend! Comments are closed.