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This is the time of year when we ask people to prayerfully consider serving in various parish leadership roles that will be available. The work of the Church has always been fueled by people offering their talent and time. Perhaps, at this time, there is something you have to offer our parish in the way of leadership that you are able to share. Please look over this form detailing the leadership positions that need to be filled. Prayerfully consider taking a leadership role or nominate a parishioner whom you truly feel would be a good leader. Persons who are nominated will be contacted and invited to participate in a discernment session to give them more information on the commitment. Your prayers for the success of this selection process and for the life of our parish are always a way to be connected and involved; a leadership role will enhance this. After you have entered your nominations, please place the form in the offertory basket or turn it in to the parish office. Please also feel free to submit a nomination via email to [email protected] (please include the name of the nominee, contact information and role). Learn more about the open positions, requirements, and full details: Schedule for nomination/selection process 2019
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