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This is the time of year when we ask people to prayerfully consider serving in various parish
leadership roles that will be available. The work of the Church has always been fueled by people offering their talent and time. Perhaps there is something you have to offer our parish in the way of leadership that you are able to share. Please look over this form detailing the leadership positions that need to be filled. Prayerfully consider taking a leadership role or nominate a parishioner whom you truly feel would be a good leader. Persons who are nominated will be contacted and invited to participate in a discernment session to give them more information on the commitment. Your prayers for the success of this selection process and for the life of our parish are always a way to be connected and involved; a leadership role will enhance this. Nomination forms can be placed in the collection basket at Mass, mailed in, or dropped off at the parish office. You can also e-mail any nominations to [email protected]. Schedule for nomination/selection process 2020 (modified because of COVID-19); May 24: Nomination information in The Invitation and on the parish website. Nominations open! An announcement about the process will be made at all Masses the following weekends: For Pastoral Council: May 30/31, June 6/7, June 13/14. For Trustee: May 30/31, June 6/7, June 13/14, June 20/21. June 14: Nominations for Pastoral Council close after the 10:30 am Mass. All nominees for Pastoral Council will be contacted and invited to a discernment session to be held June 17. June 17: Orientation/discernment session for Pastoral Council members; afterwards, present council members discern who will be the new members. The council then selects its leadership for 2020-2021. June 21: Nominations for trustee close after the 10:30 am Mass. July 1: Term of office begins for Pastoral Council members. July 11/12: After each Mass balloting for trustee if more than one person is nominated – announcement of candidates and upcoming election in bulletin weekends of June 27/28 and July 4/5. July 12: Term of office begins for trustee upon election. Leaders should have the following: 1. A faith that is alive and Gospel oriented 2. A sense of the mission of the Church and St. Pius X Parish Community 3. Creativity and energy 4. A willingness to make a commitment of time and talent 5. A willingness to listen to others' viewpoints 6. The ability to relate to people and work as a team member Nominees must meet the following requirements: 1. Be a baptized, practicing Catholic 2. Be a registered member of the parish 3. Be a participant in the parish worship life, especially Mass and the sacraments 4. Be at least 18 years old Click here for the nomination form. Comments are closed.