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Once again, Justice and Peace members hope you will join us for the annual Spring Clean Up of Milwaukee's waterways. What's new this year is that St. Pius has chosen to become a part of the Riverkeepers "Adopt a River" program. That means we are responsible to clean up a portion of the Menomonee River Parkway twice a year.
Our first clean up will be Saturday, April 27, at 9 am. We will join others throughout the Milwaukee area for the annual spring clean up. But this year, we will focus cleaning up our chosen area - along the Menomonee River from Swan Boulevard to North Avenue. We will meet at Hoyt Park at 9 am, get our supplies and as a group go to our area. Please come and be a part of this event to care for our amazing waterways. Questions?? Call or email Joan Quinn @ 414-476-3629 or [email protected] Comments are closed.