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Listen to parishioner Sue Haertel talk about our Living Waters Campaign in a radio broadcast of “Living Our Faith” from Relevant Radio with Archbishop Listecki. Thank you, Sue, for all your efforts for Living Waters and for getting the word out. Soon you will receive a mailing for The Combined Collection: Church in Mission. All five organizations supported by the collection help the most needy around the world (e.g. Catholic Relief Services, Home Missions, Peter’s Pence). Please respond as generously as possibly to this appeal, which asks those who have to share with those who don’t. Our Old Testament and Gospel readings this weekend deal with the relationship between woman and man in marriage. Moses had allowed divorce but there was debate whether it was only for infidelity or at the whim of the husband. Jesus makes two important points: God originally wanted us to live in harmony. It was only because of human weakness that Moses allowed divorce at all; Jesus reinforces the original goal of harmony in relationships. Second, Jesus made a plug for equality between the sexes when He said, “and if a woman divorces her husband and marries another….” That was unthinkable for the Jews of His time: only the man could initiate divorce. The message for us today is this: God’s plan is for us to live in loving, harmonious relationships in which the partners are equal. Children learn from observing those around them. If they see angry, bitter people, they will not learn how to relate in a loving way. The more we can model good relationships and harmonious living for our children, the stronger future marriages will be because the partners will have learned how to have loving relationships. I invite us to reflect on what kind of example we are giving to those who observe us, especially children: in the home? When driving? At sporting events? In public places? Etc., etc. And let us prayerfully support each other, as we strive to live the loving and harmonious relationships for which God created us. P.S. A parishioner sent me the following words from a church sign in France. Since it is too long for our sign on Wauwatosa Avenue, I share it here: By entering this church it may be possible that you’ll hear "the call of God." However, He probably won’t call you on your phone, so thank you for turning it off. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place, and talk to Him. If you want to see him, send him a text while driving. Have a good week and let us support each other in prayer.
-- Paul James Portland, SDS Comments are closed.