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MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY of the week: have your children participate in our Christmas pageant and/or support it with your time and talent. There are only two rehearsals and it is a wonderful experience for the children, one they will remember all their lives. Registration forms, which contain more information, can be picked up at the scrip table in the back of church or can be found on our website.
If you have not yet sent in your pledge card for next year, please do so. As of November 15 (when I am writing this), only 172 or 35% of our families have responded, pledging $278,194 of our goal of $425,000. Returned pledge cards are important to the budgeting process. Thank you. Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, which ends our Church year. What does it mean for Christ to be a King? Our first reading from the prophet Ezekiel helps us understand Christ as King: he is the Good Shepherd. Over and over we hear “I myself”: I MYSELF will tend my sheep, I MYSELF will look after my sheep, I MYSELF will pasture my sheep, I MYSELF will give them rest… Our King has a personal interest in us, He walks with us. Our Gospels tells us CLEARLY what response He wants from us: I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink… He tells us “all the nations” will be gathered at the end of time. There is no question about what denomination we belonged to, our religious practices: ALL THE NATIONS will be there, each and every person. The only question is how we treated those who were in need. It is as clear as can be, supported by Christ’s own actions and example. As we end this Church year and prepare to begin another with the first Sunday of Advent, I invite us to reflect on these two questions: am I more generous to those in need with my time, talent, and treasure as I end this Church year than I was at the beginning? How can I grow more generous in the year that will begin? And let us support each other with prayer and example. -- Paul James Portland, SDS Comments are closed.