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The school auction went very well. I am afraid to start listing names for I will surely miss people, so on behalf of our community I simply say thank you to Chairperson Jen Kraft and all her team, who worked so hard to make the auction a success. The success of the auction, which depends on parishioner participation and support, helps to reduce our parish financial subsidy of Wauwatosa Catholic, allowing us to devote more resources to the many other ministries of our parish. Please join us for an Advent reflection morning on November 26 from 9 am to 11 am. Br. Silas Henderson, SDS, has given this reflection in 6 different parts of the country and it has been well received. Details are in the bulletin. Remember our all parish meeting which will be held after each Mass this coming weekend, November 19/20. Our pledge drive is off and running. Thank you to those who have contributed already. I ask those families who have contributed nothing or very little to the support of our community this past year to make a pledge for the coming year. We need the support of all our families if we are to continue our worship, our faith formation, and our outreach.
Cardinal Capital removed the development project from the November Plan Commission agenda to allow more time for meeting with concerned neighbors. At this point it is intended to be presented at the December Plan Commission meeting. Our very natural and human fear -- of death, of the end of time, of any catastrophe – can be debilitating. That is what was happening to the early Church because of persecutions. They thought Jesus would return soon, but they were being persecuted and he hadn’t returned. Would he? And so our Gospel selection from Luke this weekend presents all the bad things that were happening, but ends: not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will save your lives. There is a parallel to our lives today. There is fear of terrorism and of those who are different. Our presidential campaign has included much negativity and name calling, with very little on policy. And some fear violence after the election (I am writing this before the election). Followers of Christ can’t be drawn into hatred and violence. A true Christian refuses to hurl personal attacks against those who hold different views, but rather sticks to the issues. A Christian models unifying behavior even in the face of conflict and persecution, trusting that not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will save your lives. And that persevering is in being a person who unifies, not divides. I invite us to reflect on whether we are agents for unity rather than division in our families, our communities, our workplaces. -- Paul James Portland, SDS Comments are closed.