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As you know, we have begun introducing Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for our religious education program. It will eventually be used through 5th grade. Our director, Samantha El-Azem, shared with me this video which explains the method. While this treats of a Montessori Catholic School, it will help you understand what is happening in our religious education program. You can view the 9 minute video on YouTube.
Our 2019 pledge drive is underway. If you have not received the mailing, please contact the parish office. I trust you will be as generous as you can. Please keep the drive in your prayers. Thank you to all who worked, under the able direction of Jeff Ramsey, so hard to make our school auction a success and to all who attended. It was a very enjoyable evening and we look forward to the report on how much it raise to support our school. The former pastor of our sister parish, Fr. Diego, who has visited us in the past, will be here for the Masses this coming weekend. Please welcome him. Our readings this weekend invite us to be generous with what has been given us, trusting that the Lord will provide for us. In the first reading, the widow trusts Elijah’s promise in the name of God and gives him of her last food, food that she had planned to give to her son. In the Gospel, Jesus praises the widow who quietly gives her last “two cents,” while others make a big show of giving from their abundance. Both of these widows trusted that God would take care of them and so were freed to be remarkably generous. The Lord has blessed all of us with time, talent, and treasure, asking us to trust in Him and be generous in sharing His gifts with others. Let us reflect this week on how we are doing as stewards of the many gifts God has given us. Do we use our time, talent, and treasure mostly for ourselves? Or are we generous in sharing? In what areas can we be more generous? And let us support each other in prayer. -- Paul James Portland, SDS Comments are closed.