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MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY of the week: participate in Card Sunday, Gift Sunday, Food Sunday, and Family Sunday, each one a different Sunday in Advent. See the Events page for more information>>
Thank you to all who participated in our recent “all-parish” meetings, both those who presented and those who attended. Participants seemed to find the meetings informative and helpful. This is arguably the busiest time of the year for many of us. For some quiet time, come to our chapel on the Friday mornings of Advent (December 8, 15, 22). The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from after the 8 am Mass until noon. Spend some quiet time with the Lord as we prepare to celebrate His birth! An Advent booklet with daily reflections from Pope Francis for adults and an Advent calendar for children have been handed out at Masses the last two weekends. If you do not have a copy yet, they are available at the parish office during the week and at Masses on the weekend. We know that Advent is about waiting. But, waiting for what? If we are focused on celebrating Christmas, we are in the past. If we are preparing to meet the Lord at the end of our lives, we are focused on the future. But if we are conscious of trying to meet Christ in the people and events of our daily lives, we are living in the present! Many of our Advent songs have the words, “Come, Lord Jesus.” May our focus this Advent be on meeting Christ in the people and events of our daily lives, bringing His love to all we meet, here and now! Have a blessed and prayerful Advent. -- Paul James Portland, SDS Comments are closed.