Our Gospel today is John’s version of Jesus’ first post-resurrection encounter with His disciples, which took place Easter evening. The disciples were hidden in a locked room. They knew something was going on, because Peter and John had been to the empty tomb and Mary Magdalene had told them that she saw and talked with the risen Lord.
Can you imagine their fear of encountering Jesus? They had run away and abandoned Him in His time of need. Peter, who had proudly declared he would die for Jesus, had denied Him three times. What embarrassment and dread they must have had! What would Jesus say? Would He yell at them? Would He dump them as friends? But look what Jesus does: the first words out of His mouth are “peace be with you.” No recriminations. No reminding them of what they had done. Just “peace be with you.” Then, to calm their fears about Who He was and what was happening, He showed them the scars of His wounds. Peace and assurances that He was legit and all was Ok. What mercy and love Jesus showed to them! My friends, this first Sunday after Easter is called “Mercy Sunday” to remind us that Jesus offers the same mercy, love, and forgiveness to us. We all sin, we all fail, we all deny Jesus, as did the apostles. But Jesus says “peace be with you” and welcomes us back.” We simply have to turn to Him and accept His love and forgiveness. Once we do that, the next step kicks in. Jesus sends His disciples to bring that same mercy and forgiveness to others. And we are one of those disciples. We receive mercy and forgiveness from the Lord and He sends us to share it with others. As we celebrate this “Mercy Sunday,” let us renew our commitment to be forgiving, loving, compassionate disciples to all we meet. That’s how God treats us: we need to do the same for others. God bless. Church sign of the week: There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
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February 2025