The last line of our Gospel reading this weekend is very powerful. We are told that Jesus’ heart is “moved with pity” for the people, whom He saw as having no direction in life. His response is to say to His disciples, including us: Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Jesus wants to help people, but He wants to use us to do it.
What gifts have I been given? Sometimes we like to give ourselves a pass, saying we don’t have anything to offer or that we are too busy, etc. But we all have gifts that can be used to help others, if our hearts are “moved with pity,” as we go through everyday life. Some examples: Time: God has given me life, health, and 24 hours in a day. I can stop for a few moments to interact with a homeless person, respecting their human dignity. I can take a few minutes to brighten the day of someone who is homebound. I can listen sympathetically to someone who is suffering a loss. Talent: God has given each of us particular abilities, perhaps abilities honed by education. I was an English grammar professor: I can help people with their writing. A lawyer can offer some time and talent pro bono through various organizations. A good cook and organizer can volunteer with a homeless shelter. Whatever your specialty, there are ways to help others with it. Treasure: our culture tells us we need more and more. When we stop and reflect on what we really need, we find that we have resources that can easily be shared with others in need. It is said that a budget (or an accounting of how money is spent) is the most accurate reflection of one’s priorities. How much of my income is used for charitable work? To help others? Studies show that the happiest people are those who are generous and think of others, not just self. My experience confirms that. I invite us to reflect on this and ask ourselves if we could do better. And if so, how? God bless. Church sign of the week: If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table, not a taller fence.
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February 2025