Our Gospel this weekend is the story of two disciples of Jesus, saddened and disoriented by what had happened to Him, walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. This story is a map of what must happen to us, if we are to be true followers of Jesus.
First, the disciples allowed Jesus to walk with them and they listened to Him. We need to put ourselves in situations where we can listen to Jesus, for example, by regular attendance at Mass and paying attention to the readings and homily, by reading scripture, and especially by spending quiet time talking and listening to the Lord each day. Then, just as the disciples recognized Jesus in the “breaking of the bread,” we will have “ah ha” moments of recognizing Jesus in the people and events of our lives. Our hearts will be “burning within us,” as we realize His great love for us. Finally, the disciples ran back to Jerusalem to share the Good News that Jesus was truly risen. Their encounter with Jesus filled them with such joy that they simply HAD to share it. The ultimate goal of our walking with Jesus and experiencing “ah ha” moments is to fill us with joy and enthusiasm to share the Good News with others, to be instruments of bringing Christ’s love and goodness to those around us. Ultimately, that is what it means to be a disciple: walk, experience, and share. Our world is in great need of the Good News of Jesus. He wants all people to hear and accept His Good News of how to live a compassionate, meaningful life. But He needs all of our help to do it. As we move through Eastertime, let us renew our resolve to walk with Jesus, to listen to Him, and to share the Good News with others. That is what it means to be a baptized follower of Jesus. May God continue to bless you and your family. Church sign of the week: Come to worship; leave to serve.
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February 2025