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Join us on Saturday, January 27th for a night of skating, pizza and fun!
Click the button below for more details and to RSVP and fill out the required waiver form. Date: Saturday, December 16th
Time: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Location: St. Pius X Cafeteria Now’s your chance to be a holiday hero! Come and donate blood at Dick’s 30th Blood Drive! Pancakes and sausages will be served to all donors and their guests. To schedule your appointment click the button below or call the Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin at (877) 232-4376. Every year during Advent, we have three Sundays of collections. These collections help meet the needs of those in our community and spread Christmas cheer to them and to our homebound parishioners. Listed below are the dates and details of each collection. Watch for more information on our website and in upcoming bulletins. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at (414) 453-3875. Card Sunday - December 2nd & 3rdFor the first weekend of Advent, we will be collecting Christmas cards for our homebound parishioners. If you would like to participate, please write a card (store bought or homemade) to each of the parishioners listed in the bulletin. Messages inside the cards are always appreciated! Label each envelope with the recipients name(s) and place them in the baskets in the back of church on December 2nd or 3rd. They can also be brought to the parish office by Monday, December 4th. Children are invited to make cards as well! Since Wauwatosa Catholic School closed, we are providing coloring sheets in the back of church for them to decorate and then return to church or the parish office. The names of the homebound parishioners do not need to be on these sheets. Each homebound parishioner will receive their packet of cards, pictures from the children and a beautiful poinsettia. We thank you in anticipation for your participation! Gift Sunday - December 9th & 10thThere are many needs in our community, but none more than at the holiday season. Your generous gifts provide a wonderful holiday for those in need! Click the button below for more details and a Scrip order form. Copies are also available in the back of church and at the parish office. Please note that we are no longer accepting Scrip orders through the parish office, but you are welcome to purchase them after the 10:30 am Masses, or from a store. After the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, December 10th, we would greatly appreciate some extra help with sorting all the gifts. Please meet in the front of church. Contact the parish office with any questions at (414) 453-3875. Food Sunday - December 16th & 17thPlease bring non-perishable (and unexpired) food items with you to Mass and place them in the back of church.
The food collected that weekend will be donated to the Hunger Task Force because the Wauwatosa Food Pantry receives enough donations during December to meet its needs. Date: Monday, November 13th
Time: 7:00 pm Location: St. Pius X, Francis Jordan Room (enter the parish office at 2506 Wauwatosa Avenue and follow the signs) Parking: Park on the street or in the east church parking lot off of Wright Street The Outreach Team from Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS), a Ministry of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will be at St. Pius X to discuss the spiritual and practical reasons for learning about CFCS programs, services and benefits for Catholic funerals, burials, and cremations. This includes preplanning, wishes, options, internment for ashes you may be holding on to and financial assistance for a Catholic burial. Please join us for this presentation along with a question and answer session to better understand the Catholic funeral rites. It has been four years since we distributed a questionnaire asking for your input on our parish community. The results are helpful to our staff and councils, as we all work together to become more effective witnesses to Christ’s love. This is your community and we need to hear what you have to say.
Please fill out this questionnaire by Monday, November 6th. Be sure to include comments that will help us understand your rating, especially if it is low, and specific suggestions on how we can improve. Fr. Paul will discuss the results at the all-parish meeting the weekend of November 11th & 12th and will include a written summary in the December Parish Press. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to reviewing your ideas! Date: Tuesday, September 26th
Time: 7:00 pm Location: Francis Jordan Room (enter through the parish office doors) RSVP: Call the parish office at (414) 453-3875 If you need an Advanced Healthcare Directive (also known as a Power of Attorney for Health Care) or need to update your current document (due to deaths, divorce or marriage), join us for this Health Ministry workshop! Take charge of your future health care decisions and put the worry of your loved ones aside. Parishioner Lisa Marie Idzikowski, APSW (Advanced Practice Social Worker) will explain your choices and the difference between a Living Will, Advanced Directive and a Wisconsin Health Care Power of Attorney as she walks you through the decision-making process. She will also answer your questions, and provide the forms you need to complete a legal document (that evening if you choose to). Come learn about this process for yourself or to help a family member, friend, or loved one; they are also welcome. Join us as we celebrate the end of another great summer & welcome everyone back from their summer vacations! This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with fellow parishioners and make new friends!
Date: Sunday, September 10th Time: Mass begins at 10:30 am, with the luncheon to follow Location: St. Pius X Church (Mass) & Gym (Luncheon) Luncheon Ticket Prices
Tickets are Available
Luncheon Menu
Please note: the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass will take place as normal, but there will be no 8:00 am Mass that Sunday. Thank you to the Community Life Committee for organizing this wonderful event! Join us on Tuesday, August 29th to watch the documentary, The Gift of Salvatorian Universality, and to enjoy a delicious pizza lunch & popcorn! This is a free event and all ages are welcome! We do need to know how much pizza to order and how many supplies we need, so please register online at or call the parish office at (414) 453-3875 by Monday, August 28th at noon. What is The Gift of Salvatorian Universality about? The Gift of Salvatorian Universality" is a 30-minute documentary that explores the charismatic diversity within the Salvatorian parishes of Mother of Good Counsel and St. Pius X. While engaged in the same types of ministries within the same city, they represent remarkably different perspectives, ranging from traditional to progressive. (Written by Fr. Patric Nikolas, SDS and directed by Bobby Pantuso, SDS) Hosted by: Adult Faith Formation & the Seniors Club Join us on Tuesday, July 25th to enjoy a delicious pizza lunch and then make your own Catholic Icon! This is a free event and all ages are welcome! We do need to know how much pizza to order and how many supplies we need, so please register online at or call the parish office at (414) 453-3875 by June 24th at noon. Hosted by: Adult Faith Formation & the Seniors Club This is the first of three events Adult Faith Formation is hosting this summer in conjunction with the Seniors Club. These events are open to all ages, you do not need to be a senior!
Pizza, Popcorn and a Movie will take place on Tuesday, June 27th at 11:00 am in the Francis Jordan Room (follow the signs through church or come to the parish office entrance). There is no cost, but we ask that you please register by calling the parish office at(414) 453-3875 or emailing Rob Hoffmann at [email protected]. Save the date for these upcoming events! Pizza and Arts and Crafts Date & Time: July 25th at TBD Pizza, Popcorn and a Documentary Date & Time: August 29th at TBD
Join us throughout the month of May as we pray a special Scriptural Rosary for Justice & Peace! We will be praying together Monday mornings in the chapel after the 8:00 am Mass and on Tuesdays and Thursdays on Zoom at 6:00 pm. The Rosary is a powerful prayer that can truly make a difference; please join us as many times as you can! To get the Zoom link, contact the parish office at (414) 453-3875 or sign up at You don’t need to sign up each time, or for a particular day. We will send you the link so you can easily pray with us as you are able. Join our Health Ministry Committee at their spring workshop: LGBTQ+ 101: An Introduction to the Language of Sexuality, Gender, and Gender Expression.
Date: Monday, May 1st Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Overview: This workshop provides a foundation in the language of sexuality, gender, and gender expression, allowing us to engage with and show compassion towards those who identify as LGBTQ+. Through discussion of LGBTQ+ terminology and a reflection on our own beliefs and experiences, we will strive to create an atmosphere of open and respectful dialogue. This workshop is free of charge, but for planning please RSVP by calling the parish office or registering online at Location: When you arrive, enter through the parish office doors off of Wauwatosa Avenue and follow the signage. Parking: Street parking or the church parking lot off of W. Wright St. This is part 2 of our Bible Study on the Gospel of John. If you didn't join us for part 1, it's not a problem, you're welcome to jump right in! Choose the day that works best for you: Day: Tuesdays (April 18th - May 23rd) Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Location: Zoom RSVP: Please call the parish office at (414)-453-3875 or sign up online or in the back of church. We will contact you with the Zoom link. or Day: Wednesdays (April 19th - May 24th) Time: 8:30 - 10:00 am Location: Francis Jordan Room & Zoom RSVP: Please call the parish office at (414)-453-3875 or sign up online or in the back of church. We will contact you with the link if you choose to attend via Zoom. |