I was struck by these words in our reading this weekend from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians: My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.
Power is made perfect in weakness? That seems ridiculous to us: our human way of thinking says that being the strongest makes you the most powerful. If we want power, we have to overcome weakness. St. Paul’s point is this: when we feel strong, when we feel on top of our game, we can be very much into ourselves. We can feel that we are powerful and in control. But that is an illusion. Death can come at any time. Forces beyond our control, like a tornado or fire, can turn our world upside down. We are NEVER really in control and we are delusional, when we think we are. But when we are weak, when we know we are vulnerable, we are more likely to be aware of God’s presence and our dependence on God. We will not be so focused on ourselves as being the powerful one. We will realize that we are weak, we are vulnerable, we need help: as a result, we are more open and receptive to God’s help. In other words; strength leads us to focus on ourselves; weakness opens us more to God’s presence and our dependence on God. My personal life experience tells me that is true. When things are going fairly smoothly, I can become more reliant on myself and my abilities and less reflective on God’s presence and support as I go through the day. But when difficulties arise, I become more aware of my need for God’s help. Maybe it is like the need to exercise a muscle to make it strong: the difficulties and problems of life challenge me, causing me to use my faith and reliance on God more, making them stronger. God is always with us, especially in the challenges of life. May we be able to say along with St. Paul: when I am weak, then I am strong. Church sign: We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
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February 2025